Laura ffrench-Constant

Senior Associate

Research to Action Social Media Coordinator

M.A. (Hons) Philosophy and Politics

Laura works in support of all three business units at CommsConsult, with a specific focus on Business Development. Laura’s experience of research communications, political monitoring, grass roots campaigning and research skills bring a fresh perspective to CommsConsult.

Through interviewing, interacting with and facilitating training of researchers to think more strategically about the stakeholders of their research and more generally about research impact; Laura has gained a valuable insight into the world of academic communications. She has also assisted social reporting teams at conferences and conducted various internal projects.

With a background in policy analysis and a focus on African Politics, Laura is particularly interested in the competing pressures and processes that either reinforce or dilute potentially game changing research.

Alongside her work for CommsConsult Laura is responsible for social media outreach for the Research to Action webiste.

Skills: Targeting Policy Audiences, Policy Influence Monitoring and Analysis, Stakeholder Mapping, Research Impact Training, Bid Development, Research

“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count and everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein