Andrew Clappison

BA Hons Politics and Social Policy; MA European Studies; Mres Human Geography; PhD Endogenous Rural Development and Governance


Andrew has a PhD in governance, networks and rural development and has worked at CommsConsult for the last 5 years. Trained in Monitoring and Evaluation, he worked on a number of evaluation projects relating to knowledge sharing, strategic communications, policy influence, networks and media outreach. He has conducted research, written widely and conducted a number M&E projects for clients such as the Department for International Development (DFID), the Global Development Network (GDN), the Economic Research Forum (ERF), the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Practical Action, the Think Tank Initiative and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).

He was also the Manager and Editor of Research to Action ( for a number of years, an initiative that seeks to raise the capacity of researchers globally to develop policy relevant research that is shared and communicated effectively.

He has a passion for researching, learning and developing ideas on how we can make researchers and their organisations communicate research better and with real impact. He believes strongly in collaboration, openness, and learning at all levels of the project cycle, and view these principles as key to progress and change.


Skills: Theory of change; Logframe development and analysis; Policy influence analysis, Research Communications, Knowledge Sharing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Management, Research, Editing, Writing, Social Media, Facilitation


“In development research, to get a new discovery into policy and practice is just as important as the discovery itself.” (Maureen O’Neil, President and CEO, IDRC)