A story can build a community; it can make the invisible visible; it can shape the future.
Choosing the right words and finding the right story can sometimes be a challenge…You may have all the answers, but without words the audience won’t see the questions.
Editorial provides the backbone for most communication activities. It builds audiences, develops organisational identity, engages, excites and empowers. Whether you are trying to reach a policymaker, a colleague, a donor or a virtual community- words are what get you there. They should be considered and valued.
What services do we offer?
- Reporting Services
News; Features; Event coverage
- Website Editorial
Editing existing material; Rewriting; Copy writing; Content strategy
- Project Management
Audience mapping; Brief development; Project design
- Editorial and visual products
Script writing for film and presentations; Digital magazines and brochures
- Press Releases and PR
Trailers for events; digital brochures; legacy products
- Writing Guides and Training
Developing organisational guidelines; Website strategies; Building in-house capacity
- Campaign Narratives
Discovery and generation of stories; Tone of voice development; Targeted editorial products
- Editing and Proofreading
Annual reports; Policy briefs; Journal articles
Our services are tailored to your needs. If you do not see what you need here then please contact us.
What can you expect?
- Ensure policymakers take notice of your message by relating it clearly to a context they understand or care about;
- Engage with and grow a digital community around specific areas of interest;
- Facilitate knowledge sharing and peer to peer learning through virtual platforms and targeted learning products;
- Strengthen identity and clarify shared objectives through a recognisable organisational voice;
Why CommsConsult?
You will receive a tailored service from a team of communication experts experienced in international development.
You will benefit from writers and editors who are at the cutting edge of digital storytelling and who are always looking for interesting and innovative ways to engage and communicate.
We will work to design and deliver exactly what you need.
We will use our expertise in the field to identify and engage the right audiences.
You will gain products and services which embody the passion and professionalism of our team.