The Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (U4) investigates how corruption threatens development.
A simple brief but a challenging ambition.
The Centre offers a range of practical entry-points for development actors to challenge corruption through a range of publications, online training, workshops and events, and a Help Desk. It approached CommsConsult to support this effective communication, and we were happy to respond.
We provided a dedicated and experienced editor to work on the Centre’s toolkits, manuals and blogs, and a social media expert to manage their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
CommsConsult first worked with the Centre in their home in Bergen, Norway in 2015 to identify ways that it could reach and engage more people with their research and training services. We were subsequently invited to design and deliver a workshop for Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) the research institute that hosts U4. These contracts kickstarted a thread of work for CommsConsult in anti-corruption research and communication for clients, including for Sierra Leone’s Anti- Corruption Commission.