Oxfam’s Humanitarian Evidence Programme (HEP) works with academic institutions and NGOs to map out the existing humanitarian evidence base, critically appraise it and synthesize the results. It is a partnership between Oxfam and the Feinstein International Centre set up to map the existing humanitarian evidence base.
In 2017 HEP approached CommsConsult for help mapping the research uptake landscape across the global south, with a particular focus on organisations, groups and research institutions interested in systematic reviews of humanitarian evidence.
CommsConsult used an innovative combination of desk based research, key informant interviews and social media listening to produce a report that summarised strategic partnerships that would enhance learning and engagement on the use of evidence within the humanitarian sector using a predominantly southern focused lens. This mapping aimed to understand how learning within the sector could be strengthened using southern led initiatives as the platform for this reflection and synthesis.
The report provided a practical plan of action for increasing the HEP programme’s impact with and for southern partners and stakeholders. It highlighted key intervention points and outlined methods for utilising existing southern-led dialogue spaces as well as creating new spaces for debate on evidence within the sector.