Hastings Chikoko

Hastings Chikoko has been a columnist for the Malawi Mail newspaper and other publications, an environmental correspondent for the Nation newspaper in Malawi, a radio performer for the Theatre of the Air Programme on MBC Radio 1, and a stage performer and playwright. He is the author of the first Award Winning Poem in the 1994 Writers’ and Artists Services International Poetry Competition. Hastings has facilitated dialogues on water and climate change issues for SADC, COMESA and MNet Africa Magic Television. He led the development of the first-ever Communication Strategy for the SADC Water Sector and developed the SADC Water Media Award that is awarded during the SADC Heads of State Summit.

Hastings has spent most of his professional life in different countries across the globe mobilising organisations and experts to a common platform for finding solutions to most pressing sustainable development challenges. A professional who believes that the world’s challenges can be addressed when accountable local and national governments, socially-responsible corporations, and business-minded civil society work together, he has a total of 18 years experience in areas such as communications and public awareness, sustainable development, programme/project/grant management, environmental and multi-stakeholder diplomacy, partnership and stakeholder mobilization, and organization management. He has post-graduate training in Environmental Diplomacy (focusing on green economic growth) and has qualifications in Journalism, Climate Change Diplomacy, Bilateral Diplomacy, Strategic Management and Economics, allowing him to competently influence policy and action and mobilise requisite partnerships.